Alien Deck

You need to place Aliens on the decks of Attack and Defense to participate in Battle Arena.

  • Attack Deck: It is a deck for only attack so when users try to match with other Aliens, this deck will be used.

  • Defense Deck: It is a deck for only defense so other users try to match with my Aliens, this deck will be used.

The attack and defense starts from the front to the back.You need to place them in a strategic position utilizing Alien’s stats, skills, and attributes. Also, the same Alien can be both on attack and defense.

  • Basic attacks without skills will go by the order of the front-middle-back, and hit opponents in the order of the front-middle-back.

  • When using skills, it attacks one designated by the skill.

If you do not register the defense deck when you have more than the default battle point, the weak Alien is added instead to participate in the battle. This applies to defense, and in the case of an attack, you must register three Aliens that you own to attack.

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