Token Economy

You can earn $KOP token by playing games such as Farming, Battle Arena, Boss Raid, etc. or earn through Bonding or trade in DEX. $KOP token will be used in Staking, Alien Level, and Skill Upgrade so the token cycle will be built that you earn and spend $KOP in King of Planets ecosystem.

  • Staking : You can stake right after you earn $KOP to get additional rewards, and can have governance votes when you stake $KOP.

  • Alien Level UP : You utilize $HANDY token and $KOP token and spend Alien at the same time to upgrade Alien's level.

  • Alien Skill Up : With $KOP, you can upgrade Skills that you need to set up to win in the Battle Arena.

20% of $KOP tokens used in Alien's Level and Skill upgrade will be burned, and 80% will be reallocated to P2E Reward Pool to prevent $KOP token inflation.

Treasury Fund

A part of fund formed by trading fees from Alien Minting and Marketplace will belong to Treasury Fund. Treasury Fund will be utilized in liquidity supply for stable $KOP trade, buyback to enhance Alien and $KOP's value, and investment for new game and ecosystem development, so King of Planets ecosystem will be more solid.

Last updated