Boss Raid


Chimera who invades the space and plunders $KOP is a boss monster difficult to beat with a team with 3 Aliens. So you will need to make an Alliance (temporarily teamed-up) with other teams in similar battle power by AI Matching system and can participate battle with Chimera.

Chimera’s Skills

Chimera can harm Aliens massively with no limit of skill types such as physical damage, magical damage, single damage, and wide-area damage. To win the battle with Chimera, many types of skills need to be equipped on Alien such as 'Defense', 'Attack', 'Heal', and so on.

Chimera’s Attributes

Chimera has one of five properties; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Its ability depends on the properties. So you will need to deploy skills efficiently.

Winner & Loser

Alliance that succeeded on Boss Raid can earn $KOP and the NFT Farming efficiency is increasing for a period. If the Alliance is defeated by Chimera, the Alliance cannot participate in Boss Raid for a period. So you will need to be more careful to set skills on Aliens.

Details will be disclosed later.

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